
Apple Intelligence: Redefining AI With the Ultimate Assistant

Just weeks ago, on Sept. 9, Apple launched its first-ever iPhone built for AI: the iPhone 16. Initial reception has been mixed. Some folks loved the updated camera and new capabilities. Others think the new phone lacks that ‘wow’ factor. 

Though, in our view, this will be a device that helps to change the world over the next 12 months. 

That’s not because of the better camera, new action buttons, or extended battery life. 

Rather, our excitement stems from the major AI software update that will roll out with the iPhone 16 in October. 

I’m talking, of course, about Apple Intelligence

Back in June, Apple unveiled this new signature AI software. The whole idea behind it? To leverage the vast amount of data folks produce by interacting with their iPhone each day – and train an AI on all that data to create hyper-personalized virtual assistants built into every iPhone. 

We love that concept. 

Imagine your iPhone being equipped with a custom AI tailored specifically to your needs and wants. It would know your favorite restaurants, what sports you follow, what news feeds you read, how you craft emails and texts, what music you listen to, what shows you watch, and more. It would know everything about you.

And with this broad understanding, it could help you do nearly anything. 

Creating a Powerful and Truly Useful AI

Having trouble picking a restaurant for Friday date night? Maybe you’re not sure what movie to settle on, or you’re struggling to find new music you like. Perhaps you just crafted an email to your boss, but you want to make some edits, and you’re not sure where to start.

Just let your Apple Intelligence AI help you. 

We see this as the future of AI. And it’s a future that Apple is uniquely positioned to create. 

Why? Well, just think about all the data your iPhone collects on you every day. Your Spotify or Apple Music streams, YouTube views, news feeds, messages – all of it, every single day. Apple has all the personal data in the world necessary to create profound, hyper-personalized AI. 

But data is just half the equation when it comes to creating great AI. 

Indeed, mighty AI is like a car – it needs a powerful engine and a lot of fuel. Apple has vast amounts of data, which means it has plenty of fuel. But it doesn’t have a great engine. 

That’s where OpenAI comes into play. 

The company behind ChatGPT has arguably the greatest AI models in the world. In fact, it just launched a brand-new model – ChatGPT o1 – that is capable of complex reasoning, a first for any AI. 

OpenAI has the best ‘engine,’ if you will, in the AI Race. 

And that best engine is now coupling with the best data in Apple Intelligence. 

That is, Apple is teaming up with OpenAI to bring ChatGPT into the Apple Intelligence ecosystem. The two will natively integrate ChatGPT into every iPhone. 

Between Apple’s data and OpenAI’s models, we think Apple Intelligence could very well live up to the hype. In fact, we think it will exceed the hype. 

Given the iPhone’s global proliferation, Apple Intelligence will likely serve as an “on-ramp,” allowing most folks to incorporate AI into their everyday lives on a brand-new level. 

And that AI will launch next month. 

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